Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Surrealist Game

Overview: This lesson will allow the students to create SD surreal sculptures by picking two nouns and morphing them into one using clay to enhance students' abstract thinking.

Rationale: This lesson is to improve the students' critical thinking as well as move the students into the realm of abstract thinking.

These are my teacher examples for this game:

Since this surrealist game is suppose to be a motivator/introduction for the students into the lesson plan, I want the social issue/big idea of it to be diversity. In this game, the students are taking two nouns and then morphing them to create a whole new thing. In the end the students can share their sculptures with their classmates. This will show how everyone created something different, which is kind of like how everyone themselves are different.
I think I have to think more about this social issue and expand on it.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Exquisite Corpse

Here are some interesting sites regarding exquisite corpse:

Exquisite Corpse Wikipedia
History of Exquisite Corpse

In class, we discussed different surrealist games and thought about possible surrealist games to jump start a lesson plan.
My group discussed a game that would have the students pick a random adjective and a random noun from a box and then create a 3D sculpture from it. But now that I think about it, it might be better for the students to pick two nouns for the sculpture to be surreal.
This lesson is to engage students in creating a surrealist three dimensional structure that enhances their abstract thinking.


Dali Wikipedia